Earn loyalty points for your order and enjoy the membership offers now!
If you are a new member, please register your membership account here and submit your request in this page again.
Terms and Conditions
The programme, rewards, privileges and terms & conditions may be changed, withdrawn or terminated at any time without prior notice to members at the sole discretion of the company.
Membership points and privileges are non-transferable and may only be used by the member
for purpose outlined in the programme.
Membership is valid for 12-month from membership start date or change date.
ROSE - Qualified with any purchase of Lancôme products and services.
ROSE GOLD - Qualified with spending HK$1,800 in a single transaction or accumulative
spending of HK$1,800 in 12-month.
GOLD - Qualified with spending HK$6,500 in a single transaction or accumulative spending
of HK$6,500 in 12-month.
PLATINUM - Qualified with spending HK$24,000 in a single transaction or accumulative
spending of HK$24,000 in 12-month.
Membership will be transferred to Rose if no purchase is made in past 12 months.
Every HK$1 spent equals to 1 Bonus Point for Rose and Rose Gold.
Every HK$1 spent equals to 1.5 Bonus Point for Gold and Platinum.
Only purchases made at Lancôme Boutiques, Counters and Beauty Institute in Hong Kong and
Macau are valid for the initial entry of Lancôme ELITE REWARDS where members could
receive points.
Points are credited upon successful redemption of store service and online sampling.
Bonus points are valid for 12-month from purchase date or until end of membership,
whichever sooner.
Redemption of gift is only available for the members who have purchase record in past 12 months.
All gifts are on first come, first served basis while stocks last.
Each member can only redeem 5 pieces of the same club gift in
each redemption month.
Lancôme reserves the right to modify the packaging of the gift, or replace the reward
item with another product of similar value in the event of unavailability without prior
notice to members.
All redemption gifts are non-exchangeable for cash and non-transferable
and may only be used by the member for purposes outlined in the programme.
Lancôme reserves the right to modify the above terms and conditions without prior
notice. In case of any dispute, the decision of Lancôme shall be final and conclusive.